What Not to Say in an Interview

Several statements should be off limits during an interview to avoid making a bad impression.

Avoid bashing former coworkers, listing your weaknesses, or anything else that could lead a hiring manager to believe you’re not the right hire. Skip saying the following 7 statements at your next interview.


I didn’t get along with my boss/coworkers.

You do not want to speak negatively of your former manager or anyone you’ve worked with.


How much vacation time do I get/how much does this job pay?

The interview period is not the time to negotiate salary, a flexible schedule, or vacation time. Wait until you get the job offer to ask about benefits.


I may not have much experience in …

Do not focus on your weaknesses. Bringing attention to your limitations may cause the hiring manager to question if you’re the right person for the job.


Did you see my resume?

If a hiring manager asks about a skill or job listed on your resume, do not ask him or her to refer to your resume. He or she wants to know more about a specific skill, or your role at a previous office in your own words.


No, I don’t have any questions.

Be prepared with at least three questions to ask the hiring manager. Asking questions about the company culture or how the team works together on a day-to-day basis shows you are interested in the business.


Um, I don’t know how to answer that.

Try to avoid “I don’t knows” during the interview process. If you don’t know the answer, take a second before responding and ask for clarification. It’s OK to ask for a second to think about the question before providing a response.


I’m a perfectionist/workaholic.

This is the oldest one in the book when it comes to responding to a question about your weaknesses. Employers are looking for honesty, so take a moment to explain a weakness and what it’s helped teach you about yourself.

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