Test Your Knowledge About the Role of Occlusion in Periodontal Diseases
Early clinical observations indicated that teeth with heavy occlusal loads seemed to have deeper pockets than teeth with normal occlusal loads.
The 1996 World Workshop in Periodontics concluded there was substantial proof that occlusion plays a role in the progression of periodontal diseases.
Creating an ethical research protocol to determine the role of occlusion in periodontal disease progression is impossible.
If a patient's periodontal disease does not respond over time to nonsurgical periodontal therapy, occlusal therapy and surgery should be considered.
Which of the following is used to permanently change the relationship between the teeth to avoid damaging occlusal contact?
The use of a bite appliance is the most invasive approach to prevent potential damage from occlusal forces.
The main clinical feature of parafunctional habits (grinding/clenching) is the presence of wear on the teeth.
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