The Use of Laser Fluorescence in Sealant Monitoring
By Rebecca Tranmer, RDH, MSDH
Dental sealants are an evidence-based strategy to prevent incipient dental caries on occlusal pits and fissures. They have been widely used in both private practice and community health settings. The American Dental Association and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry have published guidelines for pit and fissure sealants for incipient, noncavitated restorative needs.1,2 These protocols provide insight on which types of pit and fissure sealants have the best retention rates and provide the most effective protection against caries. A recent Cochrane review found that resin-based sealants have the highest retention rates (71% to 85%) of commonly used sealant materials.3
* References can be found in the original article via the link below.
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