A Tunneling Treatment Approach to Gingival Recession

close up of teeth

By Celine J. Cornelius Timothius, BDS, MSc, MS, MSD, Twyla Rader, LDH, MEd and Vanchit John, BDS, MDS, DDS, MSD

close up of teethA smile is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes. However, an unesthetic smile due to anterior gingival recession becomes magnified when multiple teeth are involved. As treatment of gingival recession is a precise art, practitioners who choose to treat sites of gingival recession are advised to keep abreast of advances in mucogingival surgery. The subepithelial connective tissue graft introduced by Langer and Langer1 is considered the gold standard for root coverage procedures. Raetzke2 proposed the envelope technique, which eliminated the need for vertical incisions, while Zabalegui et al3 introduced a combination technique in which a mucosal partial-thickness tunnel encompassing multiple teeth is reflected to place the subepithelial connective tissue graft. 

* References can be found in the original article via the link below.
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