Considering Combined Orthodontic-Periodontic Treatment

By Apoorv Goel, BDS, MS, MSD, Kameila S. Nedd, BS, Aierress C. Hanna, MHS, Justin J. Villanueva, DMD, MSD, DHL, Ankur Gupta, BDS, MDS
In many clinical scenarios that require correction of malocclusion or misaligned dentition, a multidisciplinary approach involving orthodontics and periodontal therapy can have favorable outcomes. The intricate relationship between these two disciplines has been heavily researched in recent years. Sound periodontium is ideal so orthodontic treatment does not become deleterious and promote periodontal diseases. Studies have indicated positive outcomes for combined nonsurgical periodontal therapy in conjunction with orthodontic treatment.
* References can be found in the original article via the link below.
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