Ergonomic Equipment Considerations for the Dental Hygienist

By Emily A. Ludwig, RDH, BSDH, MSDH
Dental hygienists are commonly affected by musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to repetitive motions and awkward, static postures sustained during clinical practice.1,2 Previous studies indicate 64% to 93% of dental hygienists have musculoskeletal pain or MSDs in the neck, back, shoulders, and wrists.3–5 Additionally, research indicates MSDs may occur in student populations before their careers even begin.6,7 Because of the high rate of MSDs and biomechanical risk factors dental hygienists experience, maintaining proper ergonomics is important to decrease the risk for work-related injuries and increase career longevity.
* References can be found in the original article via the link below.
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