Role of Chlorhexidine-Thymol Varnish in Caries Prevention

To date, most of the research on 1% chlorhexidine in 1% thymol varnish (CTV) has been conducted on which population?

The premise for using CTV is that chlorhexidine produces antibacterial effects, including selective effects against mutans streptococcus (MS).

Most studies of CTV have been of sufficient duration to show long-term effects on caries incidence.

In a study of 102 frail elderly patients, following CTV application, there was an initial significant reduction in levels of salivary MS; however, at 12 months, there were no differences in salivary MS levels between the two varnish groups.

Chlorhexidine is the gold standard antibacterial agent against which other agents are compared for the reduction of supragingival plaque and gingivitis.

It is well known what role oral hygiene status has on influencing efficacy of CTV.

A recent systematic review found that there is no conclusive evidence that the application of CTV is effective when regular professional oral prophylaxis is performed.

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