Part 1 of a Two-Part Series: Instrumenting Premolars
By Kathleen O. Hodges, RDH, MS
The complex root anatomy of these teeth poses a distinct challenge during hand instrumentation. Mechanical debridement is an essential component of oral health care for patients with a healthy periodontium, gingival inflammation, or impaired junctional epithelium and loss of alveolar bone. Premolar teeth are challenging to instrument due to their complex root anatomy. Root debridement is often performed with the blended approach of power and manual instrumentation, followed by root planing with hand instruments.1,2 This two-part series on the hand instrumentation of premolar teeth will discuss root anatomy, instrument selection, and technique.Appropriate power or manual instrumentation involves not only selecting the best instrument for the task at hand, but also using the instrument effectively to reach proper endpoint(s) of care.
* References can be found in the original article via the link below.
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